Commerce City At-Large

Putting My Experience
to Work
. I am an ordinary grandmother from Commerce City in Adams County who saw the need to become an activist to protect all our families and our environment from any further damage due to the Fossil Fuel Industry and systematic racial injustice.
My passionate involvement in my community here in Commerce City, Colorado led me to my activism, which has led me to my new quest – an At-Large seat on the council. My involvement here for the last 17 years opened my eyes to the need for bold new leadership. I saw that cronyism was dismissed as normal and that racism, exploitation, and poverty prejudice were all just expected behavior for the “good-ol’-boy” majority mindset. They embraced the Suncor Refinery as a good neighbor and rolled out the red carpet for the Frackers. That’s when I knew I had to do something about it.
Seeing the need, my husband Steve and I decided that he should run for the City Council. Steve got on Council in his 3rd run for the At-Large seat and served for 2 consecutive 4-year terms. As the engaging wife of a Councilman, I got to be up-close and personal for those 8 years. With this insider perspective, I received the best education possible. I got to see first-hand how things actually work in politics. I witnessed people who I thought would be great Public Servants naively succumb to the seduction of position prestige. I saw the underbelly of politics, and I was sickened, but motivated. It is one of the reasons I’m running and have asked others who have demonstrated integrity to run with me.
My moment of “wokeness” to the corrupt and destructive actions of the Oil and Gas Industry came to me after our son insisted that we watch the documentary Gasland. Gasland centered around what was happening to people who found themselves subjected to exploitive extractive operations in both Pennsylvania and Colorado – and then the Frackers showed up in my own neighborhood. So, I went to work battling the Oil and Gas guys at every opportunity; networking with like-minded people along the way; and building a reputation for myself as a steadfast defender of people-over-profits for the sake of saving all of us from the climate crisis.